March 15, 2011

From the balancing game to boundless play

I have tried to seek balance most of my life. Er... I'm a Libra.

An astrologer once told me, "Most people think Librans are balanced. That is actually not the case! Librans spent most of their lives swinging the pendulum from one extreme to the other trying to find balance."

Or, perhaps I am an extremely diverse person with lots of interests and intentions.

Regardless, balance in my daily life and mind looks somewhat mundane, yet peaceful and simple.
In my heart, balance means living in joy without my day's or mind's parameters.

Ah, yes! That is what I seek! A life filled with joy without limitations!

If there were no tasks to get done, no schedule to adhere to, no places to be, or no outward obligations, then perhaps I could float from one joy to another without worry of seeking balance.

I so look forward to the collapsing of time.
                          The mind has created this funny thing called time.

Although it helps keep things "in order," it has become a ball and chain we allow ourselves to drag around and believe in its necessity.

Again and again, I have contemplated on how to release this ball and chain.

Ah, meditation! In the quietude of my soul, I have escaped the sands of time into the nothingness of bliss and eternity.

Dreamland also allows my soul to fly free and clear into other realms and dimensions.

Some, in this three dimensional, masculine, doing-oriented world might call me "lazy" or "dreamy" or far too idealistic.

Though I believe in the value of work, I know in my heart the value of play...
         joyful, imaginative, creative, pointless, expressive, boundless play!

Yes, by being incarnated onto this earth, in this day and age, we have agreed to the "rules of the game."
We follow the "laws" of gravity, time, space, and have bought into the "reality" of duality.

And, as a new age unfolds, we are beginning to break those laws.

Or, perhaps more accurately, we are allowing our minds to release the perception of these laws and bring the reality of who we are into three dimensional focus for all to see... and - more importantly - for us to enjoy!